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Rayonier, Inc. and other Empty Bowls Sponsors, Supports Barnabas Programs and Upcoming Events

Rayonier, Inc. presented a donation of $1,000 to Wanda Lanier, President and CEO of Barnabas Center.

The contribution represents sponsorship support for the upcoming 6th annual Empty Bowls luncheon event on November 8th. In addition, Rayonier, Inc. hosted a bowl paint party at Wildlight in August for Empty Bowls. Rayonier, Inc. also regularly volunteers to pack Meal Packs for children in need in Nassau County and provides grant funding to Barnabas Center programs and services.

As the Nassau County community is growing, so are its health and social service needs. The Empty Bowls volunteer Sponsorship Committee Chair, Pam Fox, has recruited many local friends and neighbors to help her secure 60 new sponsors, Rayonier, Inc. being one of them, for Barnabas’ upcoming Empty Bowls fundraising luncheon.

Caption: Featured in the photo above is Rayonier, Inc. employees, including Kim Sartor (3rd person from the right), presenting a generous gift to President & CEO of Barnabas Center, Wanda Lanier (4th person from the right).

Barnabas Center


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