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Giving Tuesday can be Every Tuesday

A random Tuesday turned out to be a day of giving at Barnabas Center. Recently, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church and their congregation raised funds during a “Raise the Roof” tithing campaign. The church community came together not only funding their roof replacement but also raised enough to donate additional funds to a variety of local charities, including Barnabas. Other non-profits receiving gifts included Habitat for Humanity, America’s Youth, and Interfaith Dinner Network through Hope House.

Barnabas was also blessed with a surprise visit from Quinn Garber, VP of Sales at River Valley Paper – South, who volunteers monthly in the Barnabas Nutrition Services programs. River Valley Paper – South donated $12,500 to purchase healthy food for hungry families in Nassau County.

These generous donations will assist in providing healthy food options for those who use our nutrition service programs whether it’s the Meal Pack program for homeless school children or one of our mobile food distributions across the county.

Barnabas is Nassau County’s only comprehensive service center to help our neighbors in crisis, so they can become healthy, productive citizens. Through our partnerships, we reach even more people and maximize resources. We address critical issues facing our community, such as hunger, affordable health care, and prevention of homelessness.

Our mission is to provide help and hope to individuals and families in need throughout Nassau County to improve their stability, health, and well-being. Our vision is every individual has an opportunity to lead a healthy and productive life, thereby strengthening our entire community. To learn more about Barnabas programs or how to get involved, call (904) 261-7000 or visit

Barnabas Center


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