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Adopt-a-Family Holiday Program a Success Thanks to Community Involvement

Throughout the holiday season, Barnabas coordinated the Adopt-a-Family program, which paired local families in need with sponsors to provide them with a joyful Christmas. Sponsors gave gifts of toys, clothing, books and more for each child to open on Christmas morning.

This year, 58 families were adopted by Barnabas and the following community partners: Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Bryceville Baptist and Springhill Baptist Churches, St. Michaels and St. Francis Catholic Churches, Head Start, Council on Aging and Memorial United Methodist Church.

Barnabas thanks the many individuals, families and businesses that adopted families or provided financial donations including Peacock Electric, CrossFit 32034, First Presbyterian Church, Coastal Vision, UF Health Wildlight, the Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island, Omni Amelia Island Resort and WestRock. Barnabas extends its heartfelt appreciation to the community and everyone involved for the success of the program by bringing joy and hope to families in need this holiday season.

Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island team donating gifts to Barnabas for the Adopt-a-Family program

Barnabas Center


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