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Update: Your Donations Helped Feed Jodie’s Family

Last summer, when the pandemic was raging in its early stages of uncertainty, Barnabas’ food program was helping Jodie and her husband feed their 10 adopted children through several food distributions near their Callahan home. Jodie had lost her three part-time jobs due to the pandemic and her husband was unemployed.

At that time, Jodie said, “Barnabas is a lifesaver.”

A year later, Jodie reported that she has returned to her substitute teaching position and one of the part-time jobs. The children went back to school and are thriving, despite the hardships they have endured.

“We made it through the most difficult time, including home schooling 9 of the 10 children and relying on Barnabas for food,” Jodie said. “But we still need help. We continue to go to the food distributions at First Baptist Church and I see there are many other people who also still need the help.”

Jodie and her family are one of many Nassau County families and individuals who have depended this past year on
Barnabas’ generous donors to help fund the programs and services that helped them through unemployment, hunger and health crises.

“Please continue to support Barnabas,” Jodie said. “There are so many of us who need help and are thankful for everything we have been given.”

Barnabas Center


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