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St. Barnabas Day, June 11

On June 11, we honored St. Barnabas and everything he accomplished for his community. In the Bible, St. Barnabas shows us how to treat our neighbors. We first meet Joseph, later given the name Barnabas by the Apostles, after he sells a piece of property he owned and gives all his earnings to the Apostles for distribution. St. Barnabas strongly believed that no one in his community should be in need and showed this belief through his encouragement and donations to those in need. 

Through encouragement and compassion, Barnabas Center uses these beliefs held by St. Barnabas to touch the lives of Nassau County residents who need our help.  To celebrate this year, Barnabas Center encouraged everyone to do something kind for their neighbor(s) on June 11! We were happy to deliver something special to our friends and share the story of our namesake.

Barnabas Center Cheif Development Officer, Tania Yount and Todd Broadwater, Enterprise Holdings
Barnabas Center Volunteers and Barnabas Team planning St. Barnabas Day surprises!
Ed Hubel, Hospital President, Baptist Medical Center Nassau and Jamie Reynolds, Barnabas Center President/CEO
Our friends at Rayonier were surprised by the sweet treats.

Barnabas Center


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