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Barnabas Center Launches Cancer Care Fund

Barnabas Center announces the launch of our new Cancer Care Fund. We are taking the next step in providing high-quality medical care to our Nassau County neighbors in need.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in missed medical appointments and delayed diagnoses, leading to the rapid progression of diseases and cancers. Our Cancer Care Fund aims to bridge the gap by assisting patients with payment for specialty consultations, surgeries and other cancer treatments. We can help patients return to work by providing timely care, developing effective care plans and preventing unnecessary hospital stays and emergency room visits.

We are proud of the work we do every day, helping people like Trisha, 40, who discovered a lump in her breast but lacked health insurance. After difficulty navigating the cancer process, she came to Barnabas Center for help. Our dedicated team coordinated a comprehensive cancer plan and assisted her in obtaining affordable insurance. Within five weeks, she began lifesaving chemotherapy.

For more than 35 years, Barnabas Center has been dedicated to improving the stability, health and well-being of our community. Our on-site health clinics are an instrumental part of what we do. Our partners – Baptist Health, Baptist Medical Center Nassau, Mayo Clinic, Ackerman Cancer Center and others – allow us to offer exceptional care across specialties such as oncology, dermatology, orthopedic surgery and more.

We invite you to support the Cancer Care Fund, enabling us to provide help and hope to our Barnabas Center cancer patients.

To contribute or learn more about this initiative, please visit or contact or 904.261.7000 ext. 107.

Barnabas Center


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