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Barnabas a “Blessing” to Single Mother During Pandemic

Kayla has relied on Barnabas for the past year for medical care that helped her stay healthy so she could support herself and her two young children, ages, 2 and 12. When she suddenly lost her job due to the pandemic, she once again turned to Barnabas for much needed help. 

“I am a widow with two children. I work very hard to provide for them,” said Kayla. “Barnabas helped me pay my rent, and my past due car payment and electric bill.  Barnabas was really a blessing during this time and helped me in every way they possibly could.” Kayla is thankful for the people who support the programs that directly benefit individuals and families in need during a crisis.

Kayla is one of the thousands of individuals and families in Nassau County who have been impacted by job losses during the pandemic and find themselves struggling to survive. From March – July, Barnabas assisted 5,628 households with emergency food that provided them with 122,723 meals. 149 households were provided critical financial aid for rent, mortgage and utility payments totaling $191,824. Barnabas continues to be on the front lines to provide crisis relief during this pandemic, helping as many families as we can stay healthy and stable for as long as we are able.  

Barnabas Center


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